Free Organic Chemistry Video Lessons on YouTube!
I have been working on these 100% free Orgo Made Easy tutorials since September 2012 when I was working as a peer tutor at Boston University’s Educational Resource Center. I have 60+ more videos on my YouTube channel – Orgo Made Easy, that are all available for students to use. If you find them helpful, I would highly appreciate it if you would help support my mission by sharing them with your friends and becoming my Patron on Patreon. By becoming a Patron you get reliable updates, a chance to get a whole hour of free tutoring, and other rewards for just donating a few dollars to help with video production.
Sit back and enjoy! (Although not really because I want you guys to be active and try the problems out in my videos. :])
Acids and Bases Made Easy! (4 Parts)
Newman Projections -> Bond-Line Structure!
Resonance Made Easy – Finding The Most Stable Resonance Structure!
Resonance Made Easy – Finding Resonance Structures Part – 1!
Resonance Made Easy – Finding Resonance Structures Part – 2!
NMRs Made Easy! (6 Parts)
NaBH4 + LiAlH4 Mechanism Walkthrough Made Easy!
Why is LiAlH4 a Stronger Reducing Agent than NaBH4?
Hydration via. Hydroboration-Oxidation Made Easy!
E2 and E1 Mechanisms Made Easy (3 Parts)
Substitution Reactions – SN2 and SN1- Made Easy! (4 Parts)
Organic Chemistry Functional Groups Made Easy!
R and S Configurations Made Easy! ( 2 Parts )
The Wittig Reaction Made Easy! (3 Parts )
Hemiacetals | Hemiketals | Acetals | Ketals Made Easy! (3 Parts )
Imines and Enamines Made Easy! (3 Parts)
The Pinacol Rearrangement Made Easy! Part 1
For more Organic Chemistry I and II videos check out the following two playlists:
Organic Chemistry I:
Organic Chemistry II: